
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Variety charm of an old crater Sano Nggoang

By Fahrul Amama, executive summary by darmansjah

Plants with local names, Ndusuk, has an attractive flower colors. Manggarai community commonly known as a substance that can neutralize fat. (Photo: Dwi Oblo)

The day started in the afternoon, when our car was a dip in the last corner towards Wae Sono Nggoang (broadly: 1.261.57 hectares), West Manggarai. The heart was stopped as the car down a steep sharp bends; heart back beating hard when the rear wheel slips on cobblestones. However, on the corner, shaded views of the lake, which is pushed in between the bamboo and bushes, displayed in front of us. Presumably, it needs a bit of adrenaline that led to a wonderful surprise to enjoy the lake Sano Nggoang.

Our three-hour drive from Labuan Bajo, across the winding uphill road, through the woods Mbeliling and pecan orchards. After a surprise around the corner, we trace the rocky road circling the eastern side of Lake Sano Nggoang. Panoramic view of the lake wash away our tiredness. Dozens of mountain duck, mingle with the 'duck livid' and grouse spotted, floating on the surface of the green and serene lakes. Yep, this is Promosing Nature!

Sano Nggoang a volcanic lake at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level. Located in the mountains of the western basin, streaking around the 7.8 km and extend 513 acres making it the largest lake on the island of Flores. Although not renowned as Kelimutu on the east side, Sano Nggoang promising nature is no less interesting for the traveler.

Eagle-alap gray, fairly easy to find in garden and woodland hills around Lake Sano Nggoang

We inhale the fragrant sulfur as it passes through the slippery dirt road uphill. On the right side of us, stretched open area covered by volcanic rocks frozen lake. As an old volcanic crater, Sano Nggoang leaving the hot springs that contain sulfur, from volcanic rock fracture. The smell of hot springs is a natural aromatherapy keep us awake before entering the village limits

"Welcome to Kampung Nunang, please come in to our simple house, 'said MariaSumur. He was greeted with a friendly on the steps of the house and invited us inside. His home is simple.

We were somewhat surprised to also receive a welcome in English Mary, when they arrive at a village that is 48 km from the district capital. Mary is the chairman of the group that is developing a tourism awareness community based ecotourism in Kampung Nunang, Wae Sano. She, along with the mother of the group members, with skills training vigorously food preparation, serving tourists and speak English.

Maria guided us climbing the steps into the house. Hendrikus Habur, husband of Mary, greeted us. Typical smile Nusa Tenggara: red tinted white teeth in between the teeth, a true sign of betel chewers. Arif Junaidi, Indonesia Bird staff, introducing us to members of the group that developed the tourism awareness Sano Nggoang a natural destination.

Caci Dance Ritual by public Manggarai, performed at certain moments, such as the Lake Sano Nggoang Festival held every year.

Although simple, this event is part of the tradition Curu, cultural Manggarai in welcoming guests. We sit in a circle padded mats to start Kapu. In this ritual, the host offered a white cock, symbol sense of kinship and sincere heart.

Area of interest:

Rocky road by the lake, the location is great for bird watching and horseback riding around the lake.

Golodewa peak, interesting paths to walk. Apling place to enjoy the panoramic view of the lake near Sano Nggoang.

The hot springs at the end of the village of Wae Sano, exciting place to try natural spa, or simply trying to cook eggs in the hot springs turbulent.

Park behind the rectory building on the edge of the lake, the usual location of the villagers prepared to entertain guests and enjoy breakfast by the lake.

Palm wine is served as a greeter for rinsing dishes thirsty and tired after a long journey. At the end of the procession, Visitors usually present paper money as an expression of gratitude to God and honor the ancestral spirits.

Playing in Wae Sano means through the darkness without light pollution. Most homes only lit a solar-powered fluorescent lamp. Without excessive light, night Wae Sano gives the opportunity to enjoy the sparkling sky. The stars look more shiny. This is one Natural Destination criteria.

At the beginning of the dry season, the Milky Way galaxy look brighter, extends from north to south. In the surrounding area we can see a variety of concentrations, such as ursa minor and centaurs. He wanted to enjoy the sky throughout the night until the early hours before. However, tiring journey and a delicious dinner made ​​us fast asleep.

We woke up early in the morning. Invitation crawl to the top bird watching Golodewa made ​​us excited to get started today. While waiting for another friend, I and Hendrikus read-and-read Sano Nggoang tourist brochures at the Tourist Information Point, next to the village office.

According to him, the information center stage in the form of a 4x4 meter gazebo was built with a grant from the Danish government. Building solid teak wood serves as the group's activities as well as a point of tourism awareness assembled guests.

Tourism awareness group has trained hard to manage and serve the guests who stay; to tout tourism development on the island, the group also had time to visit Bali.

Since the guest visit to Sano Nggoang increased, Hendrikus example, trying to improve its ability to identify the location of bird observations, which leads him to hone skills guide visitors. In 2009 alone there were 157 tourists from foreign countries stop at Wae Sano. This figure is five times of the visit in 2008, which is only 30 tourists.

Mountain Ducks playing in the lake Sano Nggoang. Natural and cultural life in the forest areas Mbeliling chime. (Photo: Riza Marlon / BI)

One interesting place to observe animals in the wild winged Sesok, around Lake Sano Nggoang. Be some endemic species of birds, such as crows flores, kehicap flores and eagles flores can be found here. as well, the birds with such limited distribution tesia Timor, and cekakak, kipasan Flores, tungir-putih main attraction.

We walked leisurely browse the footpath at the edge of a small river. Turning away from the river through the gardens, Hendrikus pointing toward the fig tree near the river: flores flock of crows. Suddenly, we aimed the binoculars and watched the dark black bird that was feeding.

Journey continues, up the hill, through the bush. While walking, we introduce Hendrikus some medicinal plants used local people. Arriving on the ridge, the sweat starts to flow and breathing began to breath. Fortunately, we had a pretty peep seriwang asia flew; white long tail flapping. When breathing becomes more difficult, pausing to observe the bird to be the reason for a break.

Up at the top Golodewa, fatigue we paid off with a beautiful lake view. I looked at the landscape of Lake Sano Nggoang flanked mountains. The presence of a hovering hawk flores pursue wind complement the beautiful panorama from the top of this hill.

For local communities, figs so beloved birds and other wildlife. (Photo: Dwi Oblo)

As usual we experience time travel, the return trip was much shorter. We went straight to the house Hendrikus for morning showers and breakfast. Mary was waiting with fried plantains and cassava cake balls from the ready to eat while sitting on the patio ground. When sipping tea, we again treated to the beauty of birds caladi tilik look at the tree out front. The bird looks kind of busy woodpeckers pecking holes in tree trunks looking for insects for a meal. Meanwhile, kancilan flores twitter seized from kapok tree tops nearby.

The sun is getting higher, Hendrikus took us to the hot springs in the lake to wash the body. At this location there are three hot springs with different temperatures: 30 ᵒ C, 70 ᵒ C, up to 100 ᵒ C. There are also hot showers containing sulfur, good for natural spa: smearing the body with sulfur deposition.

The sun is getting higher, Hendrikus took us to the hot springs in the lake to wash the body. At this location there are three hot springs with different temperatures: 30 C, 70 C, up to 100 C. There are also hot showers containing sulfur, good for natural spa: smearing the body with sulfur deposition.

Went in the afternoon, we were getting ready to go back to Labuan Bajo. But the surprise is not over, mothers apparently had prepared a souvenir: citrus fruits and avocados. We realized, Wae Sano villagers not just think of us as tourists. It's like a vacation while visiting relatives.

Armed with a recurrence of nature, culture and rich biodiversity, the Sano Nggoang deserve a future tourist destination. This area could be developed as the community-based tourism with various side ecotourism: culture, landscapes and birds.

School children across the roadside in the village Watunggelek, located at the foot of Mount Mbeliling. (Photo: Dwi Oblo)

Logistics: Located 63 km from the city of Labuan Bajo, the capital of West Manggarai, 3 hours travel time by four wheel drive or two wheel.

Paved road from the town of Labuan Bajo to Werang, the capital district Nggoang Sano; than Werang rocky road to the lake.

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