Executive summary by darmansjah
STINT as a wildlife researcher in Kenya. I witnessed a decade of
unprecedented slaughter of African elephants by poachers, out to profit from
rising ivory demand in Asia’s fast-growing economies of the day. By 1989, more
than 600,000 elephants had been killed-half of Africa’s entire population
(Kenya alone lost 85% of its herd), leading to a global ban shortly there after
on the trade and sale of ivory by the Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species (CITES). Following
the ivory ban, thing started to improve: the number of elephants killed
illegally declined, and their populations also began to rebound in Kenya and Tanzania.
But like a cancer that slows only to return and metastasize,
the killing fields are back. Dozens of elephants are currently being gunned
down daily by high-tech poachers wielding AK-47s,, par of highly organized
international criminal networks. An estimated 25,000 African elephants were
killed in 2011 alone (out of a population of about 500,000). And since 2007,
the illegal ivory trade has more than doubled. If the massacres do not stop,
our children could be the last generation to see an African elephant in the
wild. As travelers, we can-and must-do something about it. Here are the crucial
actions to take.
Support an unequivocal and permanent ivory ban. A few
African governments with pockets of healthy herds have large stockpiles of
ivory from culling operations and smuggler confiscations. Countries such as
South Africa and Botswana want controlled legal sales of their ivory stocks,
with the income providing funding for conservation. The argument has been that
it would help drive down global prices and undercut the illegal black market
trade. The problem: It hasn’t worked. CITES already tested the sale of ivory
stockpiles, with unfortunate result that ivory prices dramatically increased.
Conservations point out that these legal ivory transactions sent mixed signals
and reignited global demand, contributing to the current epidemic of “blood
ivory.” The ivory trade has never and can never be managed sustainably, nor
without total dominance of corruption, which is why we support a complete
moratorium on ivory sales and the destruction of existing and future
stockpiles,” reads a statement issued by a group of influential scientists, including
Joyce Poole and Cynthia Moss.

Refuse to buy ivory for any reason. It turns out that the
Catholic Church is a huge consumer of ivory-used in religious icons and sold as
tourist souvenirs. (Vatican City did not sign the CITES ivory ban.) and
countries with large Catholic populations, such as the Philippines, are among
the largest markets for ivory religious carvings. The Vatican has recently
proposed raising awareness about elephant poaching through its radio
programs. But a clearly worded statement
from Rome to Catholic clergy worldwide condemning any buying or selling of
ivory by the faithful would be more effective. Help deliver that message by
e-mailing the Rev. Federico Lombardi at the Vatican (Lombardi@pressva.va).
Demand that China end its use of ivory. The future of the
African elephant ultimately rests with one country-China, by far the world’s
largest market for ivory products. Ivory sales are surging right along with
today’s middle-class prosperity. While hoarding ivory to drive up prices, the
government is also sponsoring ivory-carving schools, licensing carving
factories, and allowing more retail outlets to meet rising demand. Arguments in
defense of age-old cultural traditions of ivory use in China ring hollow when
the survival of a species is at stake and synthetic substitutes are easily available.
Last year, basketball legend Yao Ming traveled to Kenya and returned shaken by
the “harrowing experience” of witnessing how illegal ivory is obtained. His
message: “Only elephants should own ivory.” It is a message that the Chinese
Foreign Trade Management Department Economic Services needs to hear. Send an
e-mail to ziming_wan@163.com.
Join with other elephant lovers. Many organizations works
for wildlife conservation. Two that focus on protecting African elephants are
Save the Elephants (www.savetheelphants.org)
and the U.K.-based Tusk Trust (http://www.tusk.org).
With the future of African elephants hanging by a thread,
this is the moment for action. Back in Kenya, I recall being mesmerized as the
matriarch of an elephant family lumbered over to some bleached elephants bones.
She picked up one in her trunk. She held it, then carried it for several feet
before gently laying it down. The other elephants followed, inspecting and
stroking the bones. I felt certain they recognized one of their own. Indeed, if
we don’t act now, bones are all we’ll have left of these intelligent, majestic
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