Rome’s Full Monti

Executive summary by darmansjah
Two millennia ago, gladiators, prostitutes, and
politicians-Julius Caesar, for one-rubbed shouders in Monti, Rome, a red-light
district adjacent to the Forum and Colosseum. Today Monti is again red hot. In this
zone where something new is always opening, Italians gather for animated
conversations outside overflowing wine bars, and young women in stilettos pick
their way through cobblestoned streets. Even so, white-haired nonnas still shop for brutti ma buoni cookies at the local
bakeries, passersby still greet one another by name, and only one big-name American
retailer has sneaked in. “monti has changed into a VIP zone,” says Giovanna
Dugher, owner of a Monti art boutique. “But
it still has a spirit of past times.”
Basilica di Santa
Maria Maggiore
Sparkling from its gold-coffered ceiling to its
fifth-century mosaics, this lavish papal church claims the world’s oldest crèche,
sculpted by Arnolfo di Cambio in the 1200s to display wood slbas said to be
from Christ’s crib.
Studio Silice
Young glassmaker Anna Prexiosi’s play with texture and color
makes for a style as eye-catching as it is contemporary-platters overlaid with
rose-gold petals, bowls piled with gold-leafed glass straw a la an opulent bird’s
Gelateria Fatamorgana
This newcomer to Monti scoops all-natural gelasto in a small
white-walled store-front with the ascetic look of a lab. Sample creative
sombinations (pear with Gogonzola, black rice with rose buds) at the counter,
then take your treat to the piazza just outside.
Le Talpe
Adding pizzas to Monti’s blossoming boutique scene, owner
Giovanna Dughera excels in chic eclecticism, proving medical tubing can make
surpisingly elegant necklaces and fuzzy faux ermine can be worn as a stole
Piazza della Madonna
dei Monti
All kinds-squeeze onto the 16th-century fountain
steps of this ‘piazzetta’ 9as residents endearingly call it). For a more comfortable
seat, grab an alfresco table at the bustling La Bottega del Café.
San Pietro in Vincoli
This fifth-century church houses the tomb Michelangelo
designed for Pope Julius II as well as his famed Moses statue. Michelangelo designed
the beard-twirling icon to be one of more than 40 towering statues, but money
woes and a change of pope forced him to scarp his plans. The abandonment always
haunted him.
Trajan’s Markets
Scholars say this soaring complex dates to the second
century and once held ancient offices. Today it contains the Museum of the
Imperial Forums, which lays out how this space built up by Rome’s power players
looked in its heyday.
Enoteca Provincia
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